
Friday, January 29, 2010


THERE ARE A lot of lies being told with regards to this property and the thing is to get everyone involved in what is happened instead so - instead of being pro-active being re-active is a better idea - because this smacks the head in over and of everyone involved in the CORRUPTION IN DECEMBER LINKED TO THE LIARS AND LOSERS FROM THE SPAR GROUP in SAVOY AS WELL and this is a link to crime and corruption and criminality in HIGHLANDS NORTH AS WELL - SO LETS SMACK THE HEADS IN OF THE CORRUPT dogs and liars linked to corruption and the screwed up liars linked to businesses in HIGHLANDS NORTH - maybe that stupid greek needs to be sent a complimentary tax audit and some real crime fighters linked to the HAWKS INSTEAD ........

Monday, January 11, 2010


DISCUSSING that the amt of testosterone in a women can stop aging - this has been repeatedly put into articles about hormone treatments for women recently - so who thinks that this is the way to go instead of the norm - you know aging - reading about the 14th article about the benefits of women having higher then the norm test and how this stops aging - what do people think about this - this is also one of the arguments linked to GREEN TEA AS WELL AS pomegranites as well - could women menstrate late into their 60's or more if taking supplements and hormone therapies to keep them young......just a thought -


DISCUSSING that the amt of testosterone in a women can stop aging - this has been repeatedly put into articles about hormone treatments for women recently - so who thinks that this is the way to go instead of the norm - you know aging - reading about the 14th article about the benefits of women having higher then the norm test and how this stops aging - what do people think about this - this is also one of the arguments linked to GREEN TEA AS WELL AS pomegranites as well - could women menstrate late into their 60's or more if taking supplements and hormone therapies to keep them young......just a thought -

Saturday, January 2, 2010

BUSY WATCHING POLICE CARS from the SAPS heading past -

Discussing the news today -
LETS HOPE THAT THIS will be a better year - as I prepare to re-do all the artwork that I lost over the period of DECEMBER LAST YEAR THAT MY CROOKED AND WICKED FAMILY - WHO TOLD THE LIES ABOUT ME HAD DESTROYED - this was worth 500mil GBP and there were other things in the house as well 2mil worth of glass more or less - everything that my mother had given me over the years collectable books stamps - mags - other things that I cannot replace that the skip company stole from me over DECEMBER -- last - at the house at 471 L/BOTHA AVENUE...WITH THE AID OF MY DERANGED DRUNKEN UNCLE AND THE LIARS linked to my aunts as well as my uncle and his crooked corrupt liar family -

THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS YOU - that is what has been said as well...not what you do for yourself but what you do for others as well...