Should the police reservists who placed crime pictures on the internet be punished?
Yes 26% (155 votes)
No 74% (441 votes)
Nic SmithJul 14, 2008 4:58am ET
I don't see the problem with the police "reservists" uploading pics onto the internet. I agree some of the pics are quite disturbing... BUT at least it gives us a true view of what is really going on out on the streets and in the homes on South African's! Too many politicians are trying to "cotton wool" the crime suituation in south Africa.... this show's the world what is really going on!
MeganJul 14, 2008 6:12am ET
i also don't see the problem. afterall, as far as I know, not everyone can view somone's profile on Facebook without being a contact or friend of that person. so who is it going to hurt. and like Nic Smith says, we need to see what is actually going on out there. many of us think, we are safe, but we are not. We need to be more aware in order to live safer lives. being oblivious to how dangerous our world has become makes us easy targets. I think these other reservists need to focus on what's important in stead of worrying about petty issues like this.
CandiceJul 14, 2008 6:52am ET
Shame - the poor people who tried to stab that man to death in his own home! - now their photo's are on the internet - boo hoo :( When are the real victims going to receive some sympathy? South Africans are mugged, raped, car-hijacked, robbed and MURDERED every day and all that the reservists care about are the "poor" criminals?? Don't be a reservist then!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NickJul 14, 2008 7:37am ET
I agree completely with the other coments. While the pictures are graphic, they show what happens on a daily basis in this country. The man was apprehended in another mans home robbing him at knifepoint! He SHOULD have his face plastered all over the internet and news, along with the other muggers, murderers and rapists. We see these criminals (even AFTER they have been convicted) leaving court with their faces hidden... This should not be allowed! And as for the other police and reservists who are against this, I can honestly say that if I am ever in the position that I need to call on the police, I would sincerely hope I get an officer who will do his job to the best of his ability, and NOT one concerned about politics. My only wish is that more criminals had access to these pictures as they would serve as a warning that the police are not taking crime lying down, and will come down hard on violent crime. Well done Mr Naude, keep it up!
Glen FJul 14, 2008 11:49am ET
I Really don't see the problem. Those photo's weren't graphic! It was just some blood. As for showing the suspects face, the photo wasn't to clear. If you want to see disfigured bodies, Blood and clear photo's of the suspects before they appear in court, then by The Sun Newspaper. They publish very graphic photo's for everyone to see, and not semi graphic for a selected few to see what's really happening in the country! Keep it up Mr Naude! Don't let a few people living in a dream world stop you from making a difference!
MikeJul 14, 2008 11:59am ET
Have you ever heard of Freedom of Speech. Then how can people complain about the pictures. Its a free country so if you want to look at them do so and keep youre comments to yourself if you are disturbed by what you see. You chose to look so dont complain. The reservist in question as a lot of people say is just giving us the bare facts of what is happening and there is alot more that is not being shown that should be then we will see what is happening in our country. There is alot worse happening but some people think or choose to be blind. Wake up and smell the coffee. If we all don't stand up and say enough to the criminals then this will and is allready a daily occurance. So what is new as it happens all over the world. Some one at least had the guts to show it. Keep the world informed. No one is really doing something put talk is cheap and complaining about the bare facts is even cheaper. THose who complain are probably not going to step in to help, are they?
Steven O'ReillyJul 14, 2008 3:44pm ET
I find it sad to see such negativity about a few photo's on a private facebook site. It's a pity about what the photo's dont show. How Insp Naude pulled woman and children from the burning shacks and then directed the fire dept to the scene before the photo's were taken. How racist and unprofessional. The fact Insp. Naude used his own medical supplies to attend to a suspect and the complainant in a house breaking and attempted murder. How racist and unprofessional. To the 'unprofessional' reservists who have no regard for police protocol. 'Resign' no one can ever trust you to keep them safe anymore, your a lost cause. You go partner keep up the good work. I be right beside you.
AndreaJul 15, 2008 8:23am ET
If you are a reservist then you must and do fall under the SAPS Act and its these people that give the perminant member a bad name. I say YES charge them! They know what the police regulations are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MyLaniJul 15, 2008 9:27am ET
I guess Andrea has a problem with someone who does the Permanent members job for free( and often better). Mr Naude, don't let other people's unmotivated attitute stop you!
DavidJul 15, 2008 10:17am ET
Andrea your statemnt about reservists giving th PF members a bad name is quit funny, since the PF members do that withought our help. For the most part reservists are more dedicatd than the majority of PF members, we are dedicated to helping th public while many PF members are just waiting for their salary. This whole issue is a storm in a teacup and has been blown out of proportion. I know Inspt Naude and he is a dedicatd reservist who gives 200% when on duty often going above and beyond the call of duty.
Charl ViljoenJul 15, 2008 10:35am ET
There should be more cops like this! If you are a criminal you should not be protected by having rights such as free medical aid, the right to vote and the right to privacy enforced by other police officers. These are rights taken away from law-abiding people and then vigourously protected by all the nice little do-gooders. My problem is just that these same do-gooders have never had to console a raped child, carried a corpse of a young man murdered for beer-money, sheltered children from gas-explosions, arrested preachers for drunken driving and tried to explain to a sobbing wife that her husband cant come to the phone because he has been murdered for a car-radio. I am a cop. I have done these things. If you haven't spent a morning sheltering behind a cars engine block so that you can go home to your kids afterwards, you have no right to condemn Reese Naude.
chrisJul 15, 2008 10:53am ET
Punished no , reprimanded yes . Its a silly thing to do to publish these pics on a non secure open forum
BrettJul 15, 2008 10:53am ET
I agree that Andrea has an issue with reservist by the look of things. Yes we do fall under the police act and that has nothing to do with Inspt Naude putting some photos on his private profile on face book. If a reservist or PF member wants to put photos of something on his face book profile it his own decision. It’s got nothing to do with police management. As for reservists giving the PF members a bad name, I disagree completely, I have been a reservist for 19 years and hold the rank of superintendent and know many PF members who work on a daily basis with reservists and I also know of many who would prefer to work with a reservist as crew than some of the new PF members coming out of collage now. Rees keep up the good work and don’t get disheartened by people with narrow minds. I think that you have the support of many of your reservist colleagues.
GavinJul 15, 2008 11:16am ET
We do it for free - we love doing it. An excellent success in my books, pity people can't be open minded and see the crime for what it is instead of hiding behind high walls with armed responses. If more people had to be involved instead of just having big mouths and all criminals photos were published for the world to see then maybe crime wouldn't be a prime job in SA.
QuintonJul 15, 2008 12:20pm ET
As an ex-SAP member I can sympathise with R/Insp Naude. Everyone forgets he was on the scene that is why there are pix, not sitting in an office judging every members every move. At least he is doing the job. Facebook is a private domain so if he feels like putting is work pix on for his friends to see what's the problem. Standing Orders are guidelines and not the be all and end all. When I was a PF member I enjoyed working with the reservist as they were enthusiastic. Because society has gone soft criminals have rights, in the country I find myself now they don't and there is no such thing as bail, you will sit in jail till your trial however small the crime is. To Insp Naude all I can say is keep up the good work don't get dispondent whatever happens at least you are out there. As a famous man once said 'Its not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena,whose face is marred by dust,sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or short comings, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause: who,at the best,knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew niether victory nor defeat'.
Stephen CJul 15, 2008 11:24pm ET
Insp. Naude's biggest mistake was allowing these other reservists access to his facebook profile. They need to spend less time pointing fingers and more time doing the good work that he does. Keep it up Inspector, you make us proud.
AnneJul 16, 2008 1:34am ET
Being a reservist myself, having personally faced ± 20 armed ATM bombers and LIVED, knowing how little LIFE means to these "protected" people; I give a rat's ass about some suspect's so-called dignity. Criminals who kill, rape, or threaten to do any of these acts should be exposed for what they are. You GO Naudé!
georgeJul 16, 2008 1:05pm ET
i'm so sick of criminals having more rights than their innocent victims. we have a huge problem with crime in this country and we need to stop sweeping it under the carpet and pretend it doesn't exist. as far as i am concerned all those photos show is that at least there are still a few good men left doing their jobs and not getting involved in corruption like most of our police officers do. i salute the reservist in question and i hope that i'm never in a situation that i will need to rely on our police force but if i am, i pray that he comes to my aid, because he clearly does his job. the powers that be should be questioning what the criminal is doing in someone elses home, NOT punishing someone doing their job. i hope our politicians saw those photos, they need to see what they are doing to our beautiful country, while sitting snug and safe in their secure homes. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK R !!!
Glen MeyburghJul 17, 2008 6:12am ET
This is rich coming from the print media. They publish pictures that are as, if not more, graphic on a daily basis. Keep up the good work Rees, I sleep better at night when I know that you are on the streets looking after law abiding citizens!
DesireeJul 17, 2008 10:19am ET
Anne, I could no have said it better! I totally agree with you. Rees Naude, keep up the great work, we are right behind you. We are totally gatvol of the crime.
ReesJul 17, 2008 1:29pm ET
Poll was published in The Herald on Monday 14/07/2008 by 10:00 it was 62% to 38% by 20:00 it was 68% to 32%. On Tuesday 15/07/2008 at 08:30 it was 67% to 33% by 21:00 it was 72% to 28%. On Wednesday 16/07/2008 at 10:30 it was 74% to 26% and at 22:00 it was still 74% to 26% with 498 votes. On Thursday 17/07/2008 at 11:00 it was still 74% to 26% with 511 votes and at 19:00 still 74% to 26% with 548 votes. My question is why has The Herald published the votes as 65% to 35% for three days running (15th, 16th, 17th /07/2008) With one negative comment and 19 positive comments Makes you think doesnt it????
LinzJul 18, 2008 4:24am ET
ppl need to see what is happening.... dont let politicians cover up what is happening and dont punish the honest ppl for showing us the truth! Keep it up Rees!!!!
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