
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

2010 is here - crime and football hooligans - BROTHELS AS WELL AS ho's are going to celebrate....or are they...

Simply put there have been terror threats in the news and media - there is security and the games are going ahead - ARE THERE flight problems with extra flights going across AFRICA AND its already crowded airspace - or is there more to this than what anyone thought - 10 days
or more and then the crowds of tourists that are going to make SOUTH AFRICA GREAT AND
BRING THE DOLLARS AND POUNDS AND much needed international currencies are going
to be here - THERE ARE ALREADY int police officers here - and lots of news reports as they
discuss crime and what has already happened crime wise as well - BUT IS THIS GOOD FOR SOUTH AFRICA AS A WHOLE - of course it must be - THE FACT THAT THEY ARE planning
to multilate and kill domestic animals en masse - MUST NOT BE DISCUSSED - because they
have an illegal and incorrect law on the books that could lead to your pet being murdered by
the arrogance of corrupt dogs assed city council and criminals from the SECTOR E DEPARTMENT AND THEY ARE ALL CORRUPT mind you - that is for sure - this law is
incorrect and no one was notified so when they break your door down and murder your
pets - BE READY FOR IT -- SOUTH AFRICA IS GOING TO MURDER 90 MILLION DOMESTIC PETS UNDER legislation that is not even - good - it is really unconstitutional...

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