
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I was watching this POLICE OFFICER FROM THE SAPS eating LUNCH...

A women trying to find out about him, I wanted to stop and ask him about CRIME COMBATTING GAUTENG AND THE work that they are doing out there at the moment

and what he thinks about crime -- but, you know the thing is, I thought OK, ALRIGHT

how do you approach a POLICE OFFICER -- do you ask him like the women sitting across from him -- whether he is free -- just on lunch -- I find some of those officers from the SAPS ARE SO ARRESTING THAT when I stop and talk to some of them I am walking into walls

for weeks at a time instead..............................tripping over my own tongue ---- POLICE OFFICERS FROM THE SAPS ARE VERY ARRESTING AND VERY NICE AS WELL......

PROVIDED THAT THE officer you are talking to is not -- one of your ex-s and you are really

in a rush to get away -- from the arms that make you feel so terribly hot and sexy................

SO ARE POLICE SPECIAL AND SEXY -- of course they are -- and that IS why I love watching them and writing about them --

BEING, IN A police officers arms -- once the uniform is off how does that feel -- well the next one I stop I will ask him -- and then tell you all about it instead............................................

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