What are the public doing once again there are articles in the press trying to blame police officers for mistakes made when in actual fact the whole thing breaks down because everyone is so biased to POLICE OFFICERS that they are apt to give them the wrong information or none at all -- what is the publics problem -- I see extreme media bias all the time..I see the hatred out there -- and I dislike it intensely --- POLICE OFFICERS have a job to do -- but out of uniform they are just like me and you.......What kind of a society blames a POLICE OFFICER who is busy with another scene or securing a scene to stop the public from going towards it -- and then blames him when things go wrong...........
I have letters with me that disgust me --- from a very nasty public who really have no knowledge of the impact their resistance to helping the POLICE OFFICERS out there causes --- lets put things in perspective -- and you KNOW WHAT I am talking about --- If the POLICE OFFICERS who get to a scene get the wrong information as they always do, then
how can they be blamed for what happens --- I think that if the public are to wake up they need to see that lack help for the POLICE CAUSES
the biggest glitch in crime prevention in SOUTH AFRICA TODAY, PEOPLE in most neighbourhoods are involved in crime and will not talk...............
I know this I have idiots in my home that think that POLICE OFFICERS ARE invisible....and WHEN THEY are out there as on FRIDAY DURING THE TAXI THING -- then people think that they are sunning themselves and being lazy and not working -- what kind of a precedent do we set when we --- keep on criticising the work that the POLICE OFFICERS do without fully understanding what a huge sacrifice they make in the
carrying out of their duties............................. .........................
THE LETTER in the STAR SICKENED ME ---- how could that person have said what they did................................ ................................
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