
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

HAVING BEEN at the site of about 1500 or more police raids from the time I WAS born...

MAKES ME think that perhaps the public need to respect those men and women out there who do this job - as it is not an easy one and many of the people I KNOW WHO WERE POLICE ARE NOT ANY LONGER - some are gone permanently - the public do not respect the law they do not respect police officers - they do not understand the intensity of the work they do - they are criticised all the time - sued a lot - talked down to - but this may come with the job - having been in multiple instances where I was either saved by an officer or got out of a sticky situation by one - I think that I KNOW what I AM SAYING - does knowing police officers qualify you as a member of the public to say anything about their lives that is the question - only if you really are sure that what you are saying is actually the truth ---

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