
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Been in AGONY today -- re:: dropping something on my foot -- a lot going on as well....

Have to get some linksites up as well as get to some of my other sites an impossiblity, maybe -- MARIA HAD come down to visit my aunt -- talking about a lot of things -- not the BRIAN SHENTON THING PLEASE ---- as that was bad enough had a nice small 5-10 minute swim -- did not feel so well...JENNY tells me you are looking thin -- I say to her yes pining for this member of the POLICE ---- In love with him -- which one -- all of them -- a lot of stupid articles about DA councillors again -- yeah!!!!yeah!!! BUT, I like the man who has the elephants hidden in my garden MR VAN SCHALKWYK........................................................SORRY...............................................

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